Home Security 101 – How to keep your home safe throughout the holidays!
All I want for Christmas is my house broke into… What? Why do homes get broken into? People are trusting, thinking their neighborhood is a safe one… Mine is. I know my neighbors. Have keys to some of their homes, as they do mine. However, I still lock my doors and have a rather large, toothy German Shepherd.
A little thoughtfulness can go a long way in preventing your property from becoming a target for a break-in. Some of the obvious home security tips are simple. Lets start at the mailbox. If you are absent from your house for a period of time, have the mail stopped or brought in. Delivered newspapers left lying at the end of the drive, or in the box by the mailbox, should be collected and not left to pile up.
Mailboxes that get knocked over in the winter by plows should be repaired and or replaced. Arrangements should be made to have snow removed from the drive and walkways. Weather may take down tree limbs in areas that would be a bother in accessing the house or garage. Those left unattended can bring unwanted attention. Secure out buildings with locked doors and windows. Also, empty garbage cans left at the street (not a good idea).
Door hangers left on door handles & packages that are delivered and left on the stoop, are advertisements for a break-in; (especially if packages are out for more than a day). Not to mention—your packages may get stolen!
It is not uncommon for homeowners to have many folks work in their homes and on their property during the year. Be thoughtful about what a person can see in your home, and how much trouble it be to be to remove some of those things. Let me give you an example… perhaps you like playing guitars and you’re even pretty good. You have your favorite guitar, and perhaps some you have collected and proud of. The room you practice in is in the lower level and has great lighting, or a nice view. (Windows and/or a door). When you are done practicing, you leave your guitar out, along with your collection. After all, you want to have them handy. Problem is, if they can be seen from the outside, they are only a kicked in door or broken window away from being stolen.
Don’t leave your treasure out where it can be noticed. Pull the curtains, and shut the blinds in areas where your treasures can be seen from outside. Check to make sure doors are locked and deadbolted, and that windows (basement, first & second floor) are locked. Many times I have discovered windows unlocked on the properties I look after, especially after guests and kids have been the last ones to leave.
Hopefully there has been a pragmatic nugget gleaned from the above to keep your home safe and secure throughout the holidays and everyday! Best-case scenario, have a professional looking after your property while you away. Sontag Home Services has over forty-three years of home security experience.