Trusted House Sitting Services
House sitting services do provide peace of mind and add to quality of life when properly handled by a trusted and experienced company.
An ideal company would be in the business of house sitting for decades, with testimonials from real satisfied clients of ten years or more… with a proven track record of trust and performance.
What is house sitting?
House sitting involves understanding the value of the homeowner coming back to their home and finding it properly maintained inside and out. While away, the homeowner is assured their house is checked on a regular basis and that all of their mechanicals are working properly. Alarms, smoke/fire, sump/water, and buglar are just a few areas that are checked to ensure they are well maintained and working correctly. Batteries (in all related systems) are also checked and replaced if needed in a timely fashion.
Why use a house sitting company?
An experienced house sitting company would know the difference between an annoying mishap and potential devastating occurrence, and would possess the wisdom and experience to handle each. One huge benefit is that such companies, like Sontag Home Services, would have a pool of trusted (and vetted) trades people on hand to respond to emergencies or other issues 24/7 for clients.
There is a fine line between checking a client’s home and checking through a client’s home… knowing the difference is key. Being alert to subtle changes in temperature, sounds, and appearances can limit damage due to failure of something in the house. It also allows for manageable repairs and/or limits potentially catastrophic damage in the event of a major component failure (water, heat, gas or electric).
What about alarms?
One reason house sitting services should be available on a local basis is their ability to respond quickly (24 hour 7 day a week) to alarms. This accessibility allows them to meet police and fire protection with quick access and knowledge of the property.
All this to say, house checking is not something you want to have a neighbor or friend do. (Not if you want to have ongoing great relationships). There is not the same kind of vesting in your home or property that needs to be present. Our professional recommendation is to select a company who’s respected, competitive, honest, and who looks after your house as if it were their own.
Are you interested in having Sontag Home Services watch your house in the Geneva Lake or Delavan Lake area while you are away? Contact us today to learn more!