Nancy Myers
We have spent a total of seventeen summers now at three homes in Fontana, Linn and Lake Geneva (not all at the same time!) We started to employ Sontag Home Services during our second or third year. As we lived overseas during the school year, I can’t tell you how much of a relief it was to know that first Tim, then Mike, Sontag was visiting our house several times a week (and every day during the coldest parts of the winter) to check on things. Both Mike and Tim were and are incredibly responsible and reliable at getting the job done in a timely fashion, and were and are always very easy to get in touch with, even from overseas and from where we are now in California. Time differences notwithstanding!
Case in point: before we had Sontag Home Services taking care of our house we lived in a large association/community. After Christmas one year, we were sitting on the tarmac at O’Hare on the flight to Tokyo, my daughter (age 10 at the time) suddenly piped up, “Uh-oh…I forgot to turn off the little (electric) space heater in my room.” No problem, we thought, and we called the office of the association/community, who had an extra key…”No problem,” they said, “We’ll send someone over to turn it off.” So we forgot all about it.
Fast forward to June and the kids are out of school and we are back in the States at the Wisconsin house. “Mom,” my daughter informs me. “The little space heater is still on.”
And enter Sontag Home Services! Enough said! Have never had to worry about a thing since. On top of all of that, the Sontags offer house care for a very reasonable price. Sontag Home Services gets this family’s unreserved shout of approval!